Four Months!

UltrasoundWow!   How did four months of pregnancy happen?  It feels like I just found out that I was pregnant and here I am, almost half way through!

(Note: For those of you following my Disney Princess Inspired Quiet Book tutorials, more will be coming!  I promise!  I hope to get to them soon!)

Now back to the pregnancy update.  🙂

How far along: 17 weeks and 1 day (Due Date is March 1st)

Total weight gain: Still haven’t gained anything yet.

Maternity clothes: Yup.  I’ve been wearing maternity pants and skirts for a while now and have recently switched to maternity tops.  They just fit my changing body better, even though I’m not that big yet.

Stretch marks: No

Sleep: Yes and no.  Some days I feel rested (or at least less tired) while other days I’m completely exhausted!  I’ve been able to sleep in a bit when my husband gets up with E and takes her out of the house so I don’t hear every little noise she makes.

Best moment of this week: Getting to see my baby at the ultrasound (even though it was after the doctor couldn’t find the baby’s heartbeat the day before).  I go for my next ultrasound on October 2.

Miss anything: Still missing food that tastes good.

Movement: The little one is moving like crazy!  I thought I was feeling him/her at the beginning of Sept, but now I definitely know that it is the baby I’m feeling. 

Food cravings: I wish!  I’d love to have something that I really wanted to eat, even if it wasn’t the healthiest.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Most things.  😦

Have you started to show yet: I think so!  I think I’m still in that awkward “is she pregnant or just carrying a few too many pounds around her middle” stage.  Haha!  I’ve started taking belly pictures, but there isn’t much to show yet.

Gender: Still trying to convince my husband that we should find out when the time comes.

Labor signs: N/A

Belly button in or out: In 

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Totally depends on the time of day.  I’m usually in a better mood in the mornings.

Until next time!  Enjoy the fall weather (hopefully the sun is shining where you are too!)

My Baby is Going to be a Big Sister!

Elsa Big Sister


I figure it’s time to make it officially known that I am pregnant with Baby #2!  Most of the time I’m too busy to remember, but then I find myself wondering why on earth am I so tired and/or grouchy and/or nauseated and then I remember that there is a tiny human being growing safely inside.

This is the picture that we used to announce to family and friends that our little E is going to be a big sister!  I wanted to do something fun, but wasn’t feeling super creative so I’m happy with how this picture turned out.  🙂

So in case anyone is interested, here are some extra details…(I don’t know who originally came up with this list, but I’ve seen it on a few blogs, and I figured I’d join in the fun)

How far along: 12 weeks and 1 day (Due Date is March 1st)

Total weight gain: I’ve actually lost at least 6 pounds since taking the pregnancy test due to nothing being appetizing these days!

Maternity clothes: Oh yes!  I started my new job right before I found out and since none of my regular pants were fitting properly anyways, I figured I might as well be comfortable and started wearing maternity pants.  I am still wearing regular tops though.

Stretch marks: No

Sleep: Seems like I’m constantly tired, more so than with my first pregnancy.  I figure it is because I have a toddler who rises at the crack of dawn (or almost).  I am using two body length pillows to help align my hips and hopefully help with my sciatica.  

Best moment of this week: Posting our announcement on Facebook and getting lots of excited responses.

Miss anything: Food that is appetizing and sits well in my stomach.

Movement: Too early still. 

Food cravings: I wish!  I’d love to have something that I really wanted to eat, even if it wasn’t the healthiest.  The closest thing to a “craving” would be breaded and fried zucchini…it seems to be the only thing that tastes good these days.  That and ice water.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Most things.  😦

Have you started to show yet: I’ve definitely gotten bigger around the middle, but I don’t think it would be obvious to those who don’t know me all that well. Which reminds me, I need to start taking belly pictures!

Gender: Still trying to convince my husband that we should find out when the time comes.

Labor signs: N/A

Belly button in or out: In 

Wedding rings on or off: On

Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty moody a lot of the time (Poor Husband!)

Well there you have it. 🙂  We are pretty excited about having another baby, although a lot of the time I just start wondering what are we thinking having another baby when sometimes it feels like we can barely keep up with E.